in a name?
I am the daughter of Glen Woods and am constructing a book about the
life of my father growing up and citing Baytown history as well. I noticed that
you had listed some information about McKinney street. I do know that my
grandmother Roberta Dunman Woods' sister Lois married Forest McKinney. His
family lived in the big, yellow, two-story house on what is now McKinney Rd. I'm
guessing his father's name was Collin, as you have stated. My question is, who
are the Milan brothers that you have cited as being related to Collin McKinney?
My father has never heard of the "Milam Brothers". I do not know Forest's
sibling's names, but we do not know who would have had the last name of Milan.
Can you clarify this for me?
I will tell you that Ward Rd is named after my great-grandmother's family.
Grandma Ollie Ward Dunman's brother Otis lived in the big two-story white house
that used to stand right down the street from the Olympia Pool. The street is
named after him and his family. My father bought 3/4 of an acre on Kilgore from
my great-grandmother Ollie. Her home was on the corner of Ward and Kilgore. He
built our house there and that is where I grew up, 1940 Kilgore Rd. Vicki Woods
There used to be Hafer Ave., Dyer
Ave. and Martin Ave. all off of North Main Street. Dyer and Martin run up to the
railroad tracks and stopped. When Ward Road was extended over the railroad
tracks (After 1964) the road was changed from Martin to Ward as it was all the
same road now. My mother was Mary Nell Dyer and married my father Kenneth Ray
Martin, I always that it was strange that Dyer was next to Martin, can only
guess that they were named after my parents. Would like to see a Martin Ave.
somewhere in Baytown in the future as I am the last member of the family to live
in Baytown. Bill Martin - Born and raised in Baytown, all four of my
grandparents came here in the 1920's.
While researching genealogy I came across your very interesting article
about the naming of BAYTOWN streets.
W.E. DeFee was my great grandfather. He had three children for which he
named streets. The article was correct that he named one Jack Street
after his only son and youngest child. The article was partially correct
about Murell Street. His second oldest child was named Muriel. It was
pronounced like a short u sound which may have led to the sign makers
spelling it the way it was noted in the article.
He did not have a child named James. My Grandmother, Worbie Defee Doak
said that a Street named Worbie existed but was lost when Main Street
either came to be or was expanded. She died in 1989 so I can't obtain a
certification of hers remarks to me made 30 years ago. My grandfather
resided in Humble later in his life and owned and operated a 5&10 cent
store from 1946 until his death. Hope this helps. Doak McBryde
Humble Oil & Refining Co. founder Ross S. Sterling and pioneer land
owner Price Pruett laid out the town site of Goose Creek, first known as
New Town. (Middle Town was Pelly and Old Town, the Goose Creek Oil Field
area.) Wanda Orton
Lillie-Duke Hospital stood at the corner of West Pearce and South Ashbel.
The Goose Creek Hospital, later renamed as the Baytown Hospital, was
located on West Defee next to the Del Mont Hotel. Wanda Orton
Bayless Street was named after
my great uncle Lee Bayliss, who died serving in the Army in WWII.
They misspelled the name, though. Christiana Bayliss
Ferguson St. off of N. Main by E. Fayle was named for my husband's
great-grandfather Henry M. Ferguson and family, who owned Ferguson's Garage on
that street and built all of the houses that were on the street. Melanie B
parallel streets William Ave. and Scott Ave. were named for
the pioneer
William Scott. William Ave. is frequently mislabeled “Williams Ave.”
Robert Kirkley
"By the
early twentieth century, the relatively temperate bay breezes and good views and
fishing began to lure people from nearby towns to the Beach City area. About
1930 Joseph Weingarten, who built the Weingarten's chain of grocery store
s, constructed a mansion summer house just inland from the former site of
Houston's Ravenmoor. The Weingarten house, under different ownership, was being
remodeled circa 1981 and caught fire. The fire was believed to have been caused
by a heating gun used by workers to remove old wall paper. The home was a total
loss. A new home was later constructed on this site." Angie Gupton Middleton
Bowie School
Drive, which runs between the other San Jac hospital campus and Bowie
Elementary was originally named Wied Road. It was named for my late
mother-in-law's family, who owned land along Kilgore Road back in 'the day.' My
MIL said that the City later voted to change it, when 'weed' became a drug term.
(I think that is awful, since they were a pioneer Baytown/Cedar Bayou family.)
Her parents had a farm on the corner of E. James and Kilgore - where the
apartments are now. My husband used to ride a horse from there to his home on W.
Elvinta, and never cross a street the whole way. He used to fish and hunt in
what is now the Eva Maude subdivision. His dad's family had Middleton Rd. named
after them, and they used to live there before a hurricane moved their house
into the middle of the road, and they built the house on W. Elvinta.
Angie Gupton Middleton
I am
writing to give a little history on who the street I live on was names after. I
live on a little dead end street off of Kilgore Road. The street sign says
Rosille Dr. but all the legal documents say Rosille St. We bought our house from
a lady that said it was the first house built on this street and that the street
was named after a previous Baytown mayor’s wife, Rosille Myers. I don’t know the
mayors’ name. J. Earnst
John A Street near where you
lived in Wooster was named after John A. Old. He was a chemist at the Humble
Refinery. He also was a glass blower who made their lab beakers individually. He
also built the pipe organ in the old church on Bayway Drive. The church is still
there, but the organ was dismantled and stored somewhere. I work with Don Old.
John A. was his grandfather. Don was born in Baytown at San Jacinto Hosp. and lived
on McKinney. Bruce Marshall
Next to Bay Villa on
Bayway Drive is a pipe that runs into the Scott bay. The original name of this
was "Wagon Box Creek". It appears on other documents under another
name , which I cannot remember at this time. At the turn of the century when the
government came to Baytown to make the first maps of the area. The map makers
asked a local resident the name of the
creek. These people were" Yankees" that had just moved to the area and gave the
name "they called it" to the map makers !
Therefore the wrong name got put on the maps. I came by this
information during research I did years ago while documenting Lafitte treasure
stories in the area. I am a descendent of the Brown family who lived on Scott
Bay since the 1800's. My great aunt Alice Collins ( Brown) gave me this
information and also said that during the early years when wagons came from
Houston to load their goods onto ships anchored in Scott Bay. They would drive
the wagons down this creek bed to get onto the beach of the bay.
These wagons passing were also the only source of news from the outside
world for the Brown Family. The Browns who also operated a ship and barge
service along the channel & barged bricks from the
family brick ovens on Cedar Bayou and also operated a ship yard on Cedar
Bayou..& built the first school house and loaned the land to the school district
for Burnett Elementary School. Kim Powell ( grandson of Florence Brown)
Knowlton Street named for Charles
Knowlton, who brought his family here from England in 1873. He worked for his
father-in-law, Thomas Wright, who had arrived two years earlier and who owned
several brickyards in the Cedar Bayou area. I note you listed at least one
elementary school ... of course, it is no more, but there was for so many, many
years the David G. Burnet Elementary School out at Wooster. Interim president of
the Republic of Texas from March to October, 1836, he was particularly touchy
about the pronunciation of his name - "Burn'it," saying that it had
only one t -- not nett. He built his home, Oakland, in what is now the Lakewood
Subdivision at Wooster. Trevia Wooster
Fleming street is named
after Jeff Fleming a land developer and real estate broker. Nowlin is named
after Boudreaux D. Nowlin a partner of Jeff Fleming. Mitchell Jackson
Wooster is named after Quincy Wooster. Wooster was formed in 1892 and was
originally where present day Brownwood is.
Q. A. Wooster named Weaver Avenue
after Gen. James B. Weaver (Greenback party nominee) who he supported for
president in 1880. Wybra Wooster
Q. A. Wooster named Steinman Street
after his son-in-law, Steve Steinman.
Wooster Holland
Q. A. Wooster named Shreck Avenue
after his son-in-law, W.A. Shreckengaust.
Wooster Holland
A. Wooster named Crow Road after his friend and business partner, W. D.
Crow. Wybra Wooster Holland
Q. A. Wooster named Mapleton Avenue
after Mapleton, Iowa, which is where he lived before coming to Texas.
Wooster Holland
Sjolander Road is named after John Peter Sjolander (the sage of Cedar Bayou). He
is recognized as one of Texas’ premiere poets
Schilling Street is named to honor Nicholas Schilling, an early physician
Alexander Drive is named after C.Q. "Kid" Alexander, the last Mayor of
Goose Creek
Bowie Street is named after the famous frontiersman, James Bowie
Cleveland Street is named after E.D. "Eddie" Cleveland, the mayor of
Pelly and the first Mayor of Baytown
Sterling High School, our library, and Sterling Street are named after Ross Shaw
Sterling, founder of the Humble Refinery and Governor of Texas
Defee Street honors W. E. Defee, an early land developer. He named Wright Street
after Thomas Wright, Jr., who owned the property. Murrill, James, and Jack
Streets were named after W. E. Defee’s children
Brownwood is named after Edwin Rice Brown Sr., who bought the land from the
Wooster Estate. It was an exclusive residential area with many restrictions.
Crockett Elementary is named in honor of the Alamo hero, Davy Crockett
Decker Drive got its name from Thomas I. Decker, County Commissioner from the
Baytown area
McKinney Road was named by the Milam Brothers (Brickyard owners) for their
grandfather, Collin McKinney, who had signed the Texas Declaration of
John Martin Road is after John G. Martin, County Commissioner and Baytown
Pruett Street is named for Price Pruett, land developer, Gulf and Humble Streets
are named after oil companies, Commerce denoted business, and Ashbel, Gaillard,
and Jones were all early settlers
If you have knowledge
of other street names, please send
the info here:
Much of the information on this page comes from the
excellent book 'The History of Baytown' available at Sterling
Municipal Library and the Baytown Historical Museum located at 220 W. Defee.